
It’s been over a month since I last checked in around here, but I promise I’ve been keeping busy.  Busy enough not to blog, at least.  I don’t have a reflective birthday post for today, either, but I suppose I’m turning 26 whether I have one or not.  Time tends to pass regardless of a […]

Notes: November 14, 2008

This is a fascinating time of year for me.  Not that there aren’t a lot of those times of year, but I especially love the fall season.  College football is always compelling in November because of the BCS circus.  I’m actually still competitive in all of my fantasy football leagues, which is a welcome change […]

Basketball Interview Challenge

The football season is barely underway, but if you’re like me, you already can’t wait for the return of college basketball.  Fortunately for us, there is a fix.  Longtime commenter and friend of the blog Jay Zuckerman has started an ambitious project to conduct 365 college basketball-related interviews in 365 days, and he’s calling it […]

The Diaper List

Inspired by a recent movie called The Bucket List, my friend Brandon started referring to his own version of such a list.  Unlike the stars of the movie (Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson), his list isn’t about what he wants to do before he dies (or “kicks the bucket”).  Rather, he has what he calls […]

Cokey Catlin-Wright: ????-February 4, 2008

Tonight I realized one reason I know I’ve lived a charmed life to a certain extent. I know this because our cat Cokey died earlier tonight, and it’s perhaps the second- or third-most traumatic event in my lifetime. I’ve been very blessed, to say the least. Melissa and I inherited Cokey from a couple that […]